Social and economic impacts in SMES, motivated by supply chain transationals
SMEs, TNCs, social and economic impactsAbstract
SMEs in its continuing efforts to survive and achieve its growth have sought new ways to market positioning, being a part in the supply chain of transnational corporations (TNCs) alternative, however, there are obstacles that have prevented them achieve. In this article the social and economic impacts that those obstacles have caused to SMEs because of their limited participation or lack of participation in the supply chain of transnational corporations (TNCs) are identified, as in the case of countries like Peru in which has found the lack of participation of formal enterprises in the supply chain of companies in the electricity sector of that country, (Beato & Poli, 2008). To do this in this investigation a compilation of articles that provide empirical evidence on the social and economic not to participate in the supply chain and above all indicate how your measuring impacts is done, (Sen, 1985b), (Deloitte, 2014) (Clifford, Hehenberger, & Fantini, 2015), derived from the analyzes of the articles described how to measure both social impact and economic, not belong to the supply chain of the (ETN presented), by which based on the model of Clifford et al (2015), the social impact is measured through the level of housing, basic needs, education and training, employment and training, physical health, drug use and addiction, mental health, etc., so the economic impact of the phenomenon studied by Rosli (2011), is measured by the level of income, the level of sales, employee growth, investment in enterprise technology, etc.; Through this research contribute to the development of SMEs, which is to have the form of measuring the social and economic impacts for SMEs that do not belong to the supply chain of the (TNCs) as a tool is prevention and planning for the development of SMEs and increase the possibility of their inclusion in the supply chains (TNCs).
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