Competitive Strategy, Guidance Market and Marketing, and Performance organizational
Competitive strategy, Market orientation, marketing and organizational performanceAbstract
competitive strategy, market orientation and marketing resources and capabilities, and organizational performance. The study was aimed at SMEs in the industrial sector, and the data were collected from 116 organizations in the State of Queretaro and were analyzed by size and type of business. The typology to address competitive strategy was miles and Snow (1978) which refers four strategic archetypes: prospectors, analyzers, defenders and reactors. The scales proposed by Narver and Slater (1990) and Vorhies y Harker (2005) were used for market orientation and marketing, while organizational performance was measured with items developed by Verkatraman (1989) and Vorhies and Morgan (2005). A non probabilistic convenient sampling was used. Data collection was done through personal interviews and the statistical technique used was structural analysis. The
structural and measure model were designed and tested using AMOS software.
The research results show that the four types of competitive strategy converge in organizations of the State of Queretaro,
prospectors and analyzers strategies predominate in medium and subsidiaries organizations, and defensor and reactors in
small and familiar ones. It was also found that prospectors and analyzers competitive strategies have a significant impact
on market orientation and marketing activities. Furthermore the association of these strategic archetypes was positive
but not significant on organizational performance. The link between market orientation and marketing activities on
performance measured by profitability, growth, adaptability, production efficiency and customer satisfaction was tested
too. Therefore It concludes that companies which set up prospector and analyzer strategies will develop market
oriented and marketing resources and capabilities related all them with a better organizational performance. Similar
results were found by other researchers in studies carried out in other countries.
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