Impact evaluation of forest technologies for the humid tropics of Mexico
indicators, forest productivity, tropical speciesAbstract
The purpose of this research was to carry out an impact evaluation, in the humid tropics of Mexico, of the forestry projects and technologies generated at the El Tormento Forest Technology Transfer and Research Center. This was achieved through a longitudinal descriptive research, which covered the period from 1961 to 2007; For this, different types of documents and publications were consulted, interviews were conducted with key informants (researchers and producers); Likewise, different bibliometric indicators were calculated to analyze the scientific productivity of the Center; The information collected was systematized in Excel format and the interviews were analyzed with the statistical package Predictive Analytical Software and Solutions (PASS) version 22. It was identified that 49.8% of the documents corresponding to summaries published in reports and conferences, which facilitated the dissemination the results of forestry research; there is a tendency towards individual publication of the authors, rather than the collaborative one. Most of the projects identified were financed by Fundación Produce Campeche A.C., CONAFOR and INIFAP. 19 technologies were identified for different forest species. 35% of the producers stated that they knew INIFAP and, of them, half had applied INIFAP technology.
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