Approaches to Global Warming, Climate Change and its Impact on Development and Enterprise Competitiveness
Business, Climate Change, Competitiveness StrategyAbstract
The damage that has caused drought in 19 states of 32 counts of Mexico with 18-19 months without rain is one manifestation of climate change, whose impacts are beginning to be felt. This drought, the highest in 70 years in country, will undoubtedly have repercussions. Lack of water vital to life will have negative impacts on the economy, environment and safety of people, animals and other life forms. Agriculture, livestock and other productive activities will be severely affected.
But what are the causes of global warming and its effect on climate change? There is much debate between two great currents. One that points to natural causes such as cyclic activity of the Sun and the planet’s geological behavior, and the other due to human activity and the current development model that consumes natural resources unsustainably and use of fossil fuels. The indisputable fact in the future, is the high probability of negative impacts on climate will affect the direct and indirect environment companies
have to include in their business strategies based on innovation activities to ensure sustainability and competitiveness in markets increasingly complex.
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