Labor inclusion and quality of life of people with disabilities in inclusive companies of Hermosillo, Sonora
Labor Inclusion, Quality of life, DisabilityAbstract
Labor inclusion and quality of life must be part of the reality of a company, it must be included in its very essence. The research work was carried out using a cross-sectional methodological approach, based on two study variables: Variable 1) Labor Inclusion and Variable 2) Quality of life (Labor Welfare, Safety, Acceptance, Social Inclusion and Compensation). In order to carry out the research work, the incluyentes companies of the city of Hermosillo, Sonora were taken as a reference, according to the information presented by the Secretary of Economy of Sonora, the Secretary of Labor in the State, in coordination with the National Employment Service (SNE Sonora) and DIF Sonora. The objective of this research is to analyze the labor inclusion and the quality of life that people with disabilities and who work in incluyentes companies perceive. The main results show that in the variable 1) Labor inclusion, the worker with disability agrees that the company has an acceptable labor inclusion program, but considers that to achieve true inclusion work, it needs to take measures to guarantee its access and permanence and could start improving education and professional training. In variable 2) Quality of life; the quality of life program that these companies have for employees with disabilities is considered acceptable, but it is important that they also carry out the development of skills that allow them to improve their quality of life and the company gives them the same employment opportunities the staff without disabilities.
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