The right of access to culture and enjoyment of cultural services and their impact on The quality of life of the Sonoran


  • Claudia Olimpia Ruiz Tapia Instituto Sonorense de Cultura


culture, quality of life


Cultural services and the transcendence they have in the change in public administration in the period of the year 2015-2017. By constitutional mandate We enjoy the human right to access the culture and to the enjoyment of cultural services, it is through the Culture that man finds identity, appropriates of knowledge, discerning values and looking for new meanings.An analysis of the main International standards, national legal systems States that establish the human right to Access to culture as well as the main policies That guarantee the granting of this right through cultural services and how they contribute to The quality of life of the population. Culture is an ingredient essential for human development, is implicit with education and health, so these rights fundamental, are the engine of economic development and increase the quality of life of the population. The state gives citizens the right to use the information and communication technologies to more informed about government management; a new way of making culture is to use the environment digital for dissemination and promotion.


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Author Biography

Claudia Olimpia Ruiz Tapia, Instituto Sonorense de Cultura

Claudia Olimpia Ruiz Tapia, Licenciada en Informática. Instituto Sonorense de Cultura. email:


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How to Cite

Ruiz Tapia, C. O. (2018). The right of access to culture and enjoyment of cultural services and their impact on The quality of life of the Sonoran. Revista Vértice Universitario , 19(76), 18–28. Retrieved from
