The socioeconomic model as moderator organizational performance in SMEs Mexican family. Case study in Aguascalientes, Mexico.
socioeconomic model, organizational performance, SMEs, hidden costs, family businessAbstract
This research has for object describe the malfunctions generated in two companies SME Relatives of the sector mechanical metal in two Aguascalientes México’s companies using the socioeconomic management. The results appear as the comparative one between both companies derived from the socioeconomic diagnosis and detected malfunctions where the perception of the employees on the managerial paper of the members of the family generates a major impact in the malfunctions of conditions of work when the family that works in the company does not involve the rest of the employees in the capture of decisions, opposition and subjectivity in the fulfillment of the procedure and in the generation and transmission of knowledge to the rest of the employees. It shows the financial impact of hidden costs derived from dysfunctions as a tool to moderate organizational performance.
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