Consumption Society and fast food franchises: Contributing factors for changes in food consumption
Consumer, Consumption Societies, fast food franchisesAbstract
One of the consequences of globalization discussed by several theorists is the tendency to homogenize the products and services available. In the case of food, there are options from almost any country available to the consumer. The fast food franchises are one of the alternatives of greater growth, which, according to the theoretical review, obeys to transformations in the way of consuming from the perspective of consumer societies, characterized by: scarce time, urbanization, incorporation of the woman to the labor market, individualism, among others, integrating in the alimentary customs on a daily basis. In order to understand the different positions that exist in relation to this topic, a thorough documentary review was conducted where it was found that there is a discussion that associates the growing demand in fast food establishments and the appearance of new and modern lifestyles. derived from the characteristics of consumer societies observable today.
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