Evolution of the foundations of Mexican oil rhetoric and economic policy. A historical vision.


  • Elsa Gracida Romo


Petroleum; Economical Rhetoric; Economical Politics and Legislation.


One of the ways to explore the economic thinking of the people in charge of the direction of the country is through their oral rhetoric or the one that is incorporated in the documents to which they subscribe. Retaking his Aristotelian origin, where the rhetoric “is the force of pulling everything which a speech can persuade”, we conceived this one like the art of communication which look to persuade or to convince, by means of the spoken or written word.

From this perspective, the objective of the article is to analyze the construction and changes of the main historical definitions of the official petroleum rhetoric. Like some aspects of its relation with the practiced economic political aspects of the subject, from 1935 to mid seventies. Before the Mexican economical organization beginning the transition to a new scheme of development, after the discovery of the most important deposits of petroleum.

The central hypothesis of the analysis proposes that during that period were the beginnings of the Mexican Revolution which were expressed in article 27 of the Constitution of 1917 and in the petroleum expropriation of 1938, which are the philosophical-economic support that propped up the norms, ideological and rhetorical legal definitions, with respective of the original property of the energetic and the role that this should have been in the search of the economic development of the country. From this point of view, the cardenismo was the moment of greatest confluence between the official rhetoric and the economic practice. In the years that follow, marked by the pendular swing, the rhetoric was moving away gradually from the economic exercise until initiated in the times the pinnacle of the petroleum industry an irremediable dissociation. At this time sat down the foundations for the petroleum industry became the main source of the f iscal resources of the nation.


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Aguirre, Jesús. (1948). Respuesta al Segundo Informe de Gobierno de Miguel Alemán (en línea). Acceso Noviembre 22 2008 en http://cronica.diputados.gob.mx/DDebates.

Alemán, Miguel. (1947). Primer Informe de Gobierno (en línea). Acceso Noviembre 22, 2008 en http://cronica.diputados. gob.mx/DDebates.



How to Cite

Gracida Romo, E. (2024). Evolution of the foundations of Mexican oil rhetoric and economic policy. A historical vision. Revista Vértice Universitario , 11(44). Retrieved from https://revistavertice.unison.mx/index.php/rvu/article/view/428
