Evaluation of the perception of the quality of television services in the Isthmus Oaxaqueño, México
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Cruz Celis, F. de J., & Olivares Ramirez, G. M. . (2023). Evaluation of the perception of the quality of television services in the Isthmus Oaxaqueño, México . Revista Vértice Universitario , 25(94). https://doi.org/10.36792/rvu.v25i94.74



The present work was carried out in the five largest populations of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Mexico, the objective of the article is to evaluate the perception of the quality of services offered by pay television. The specific objectives sought to identify the quality components that determine the satisfaction of external customers of television companies and identify the factors that influence their behavior when to hire the service; the results showed that 57.44% of the clients are satisfied with the services provided, the basic features of the elements were determined that result in customer satisfaction, the percentage of approval by elements evaluated are: tangibility 60.81%, reliability 57.82%, response 55.15%, security 57.83% empathy 56.04% approval, 920 people were surveyed and 31.18% of them they do not hire a television service. The findings found indicate that people are satisfied with the service provided by the television stations.

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