Guidelines for authors
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Shipping Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
Vetice Universitario Format
Title in Spanish in Times Roman 14 pts. Centered and bold.
Title in English in Times Roman 12 pts. Centered and bold.
Summary in Spanish and English in Times New Roman 11 pts with the word Summary in bold and centered. It should not contain more than 200 words.
The keywords in Spanish and English in Times New Roman 11 pts, bold and centered. They should not be more than 5 keywords.
Authors or their institutions should NOT be included to facilitate arbitration. This data will be added in the final editing process.
The length of the writing must be 15 pages to 20 pages, including graphs and tables, not counting references. The file format must be in Word.
Times New Roman font 12 pts, 1.5 line spacing, justified paragraphs, all margins at 2.5 cm and lower pagination at the end of the page. The writing must not be made in any template.
The section headings will be on three levels:
Level 1: Heading centered in bold, capitalized, numbered.
Level 2: Left-aligned header in bold, mixed case, numbered
Level 3: Heading with italics, uppercase, lowercase.
Charts and graphs must be numbered. Your title in Times New Roman 10 pts at the top and font at the bottom.
APA format with single spacing, spacing between paragraphs 0 before and 6 after and hanging indentation of 0.51.
Bibliographic references according to the APA Manual 6. Footnotes may be used. All works must include the corresponding JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) code on the first page.
Citations and references must comply with the following format:
Citations in the text: Author's last name, year and reference page numbers. Example: Gardner, 1998: 217.
References or sources consulted, in alphabetical order: Last name, initial of the author(s). (year). Name of the article or chapter. Name of the book or source (pages, month and volume if applicable). Country: publisher. Example: James, W. (1998). The problem of being. The great essays of science (pp 57-61). Mexico: Editorial Patria.
Web pages or portals: Last name, initial of the author(s), (year). Name of the article or chapter. Name of material consulted. Recovered from (email address). Example: Dawson, J., Smith L., Deubert, K. & Gray S.S. (2002). S Trek 6: Referencing, do not plagiaris. Retrieved from htpp://
Textual quotes must indicate the data and format established in section a, written in italics or between 11-point quotation marks, with internal indentation.
If footnotes are used, these cannot be the references indicated in the previous sections. The format of the notes is free.
Responses to the evaluation or changes requested by the reviewers must be responded to through a response letter for each reviewer.
It is necessary to identify each comment or question made by each reviewer.
The authors must provide a response or clarification, which must be highlighted below each comment, indicating the page, paragraph and line where what was stated has been incorporated or modified.
In addition, the manuscript must be attached with the reviewers' corrections or suggestions incorporated. These changes must be highlighted in a different color or in track changes so that the reviewer can identify the incorporated changes.
In this document, a response is provided to Reviewer A of the manuscript “…”
Reviewer comment A: You should incorporate more information into the introduction...
Response: We have incorporated as suggested more background into the introduction, page 1, paragraph 2, line 1-11.
In recent years throughout the world the phenomenon of..... (Santamouris et al. 2015, Bustamante et al. 2011, Kolokotroni et al. 2006)...
Copyright notice
The author assigns the rights to his work to Revista Vértice Universitario but may use it in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license — CC BY-SA 4.0 and what is specified in the legal notice of this site.
That is, the author may not use the texts published by Vértice Universitario for profit.