Volume 26 Number 95 (January-December) 2024
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 26 Number 95 (January-December) of 2024 is a continuous annual publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Interdisciplinary Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2022-082615335300-102 granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Date of last modification: November 12, 2024. -
Volume 25, Number 94 (January - December) 2023
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 25 Number 94 (January-December) of 2023 is a continuous annual publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Interdisciplinary Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor:PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2022-082615335300-102 granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Date of last modification: November 30, 2023.
Volume 24, Number 93 (January - December) 2022
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 24, Number 93 (January-December) of 2022 is a continuous annual publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2022-082615335300-102, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN:2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD..Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Date of last modification: December 30, 2022.
Volume 23, Number 92 (October-December) 2021
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 23, Number 92 (October-December) of 2021 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2021-081011385200-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Date of last modification: October 28, 2021.
Volume 23, Number 91 (July-September) 2021
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 23, Number 91 (July-September) 2021 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible Editor: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta and Deputy Editor: PhD. Lizbeth Salgado Beltran. Guest Editor: PhD. Arturo Robles Valencia. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2021-081011385200-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Date of last modification: August 30, 2021.
Volume 23, Number 90 (April-June) 2021
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 23, Number 90 (April-June) 2021 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible Editor: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta and Deputy Editor: PhD. Lizbeth Salgado Beltran. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Date of last modification: April 20, 2021.
Volume 23, Number 89 (January-March) 2021
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 23, Number 89 (January-March) 2021 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible Editor: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta and Deputy Editor: PhD. Lizbeth Salgado Beltran. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Edna María Villarreal Peralta. Date of last modification: March 30, 2021.
Volume 22, Number 88 (October-December) 2020
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 22, Number 88 (October-December) 2020 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Date of last modification: October 30, 2020.
Volume 22, Number 87 (July-September) 2020
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 22, Number 87 (July-September) 2020 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Date of last modification: July 30, 2020.
Volume 22, Number 86 (April-June) 2020
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 22, Number 86 (April-June) 2020 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: 2683-2623. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Date of last modification: April 30, 2020.
Volume 22, Number 85 (January-March) 2020
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 22, Number 85 (January-March) 2020 is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas and Av. Rosales s/n, Col. Centro, C.P. 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Tel. 52(662) 259-21-66,; Responsible editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: in process. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Date of last modification: January 30, 2020.
Volume 21, Number 84 (October-December) 2019
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 21, Number 84 (October-December) 2019, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas y Rosales s/n, Campus Hermosillo, Building 10J, Ground Floor, Col. Centro, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Tel. (662) 259-21-66,; Responsible Editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: in process. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Date of last modification December 19, 2019.
Volume 21, Number 83 (July-September) 2019
VÉRTICE UNIVERSITARIO Volume 21, Number 83 (July-September) 2019, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Blvd. Luis Encinas y Rosales s/n, Campus Hermosillo, Building 10J, Ground Floor, Col. Centro, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Tel. (662) 259-21-66,; Responsible Editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2019-090613561000-203, granted by the National Copyright Institute. ISSN: in process. Responsible for the last update of this issue: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Date of last modification September 19, 2019.
Volume 21, Number 82 (April-June) 2019
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 21 Number 82, April-June 2019, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on June 30, 2019 with a print run of 100 copies.
Volume 21, Number 81 (January-March) 2019
Vértice Universitario Volume 21, Number 81 (January-March) 2019, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: PhD. Joel Enrique Espejel Blanco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on March 31, 2019 with a print run of 100 copies.
Volume 20, Number 80 (October-December) 2018
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 20 No.80, October-December 2018, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: Dr. Joel Enrique Espejel Balnco. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Company by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on December 31, 2018 with a print run of 400 copies. -
Volume 20, Number 79 (July- September) 2018
Revista Vértice Universitario Año 20 No.79, Julio-Septiembre 2018, es una publicación trimestral editada por la Universidad de Sonora, a través de la División de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas. Editor responsable: . Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 otorgados por el Instituto Nacional de Derechos de Autor. Licitud de título: 13976. Licitud de Contenido:11549, ambos otorgados por la Comisión Calificadora de Publicaciones y Revistas Ilustradas de la Secretaría de Gobernación. Impresa por Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, México, éste número se terminó de imprimir el 30 de septiembre de 2018 con un tiraje de 400 ejemplares. Las opiniones expresadas por los autores no necesariamente reflejan la postura del editor de la publicación. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de los contenidos e imágenes de la publicación sin previa autorización de la Universidad de Sonora.
Volume 20, Number 78 (April-June) 2018
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 20 No.78, April-June 2018, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011 011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on April 24, 2018 with a print run of 400 copies. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the editor of the publication. Total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from the University of Sonora. -
Volume 20, Number 77 (January-March) 2018
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 20 No.77, January-March 2018, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011 011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualification Commission of Publications and Illustrated Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on April 24, 2018 with a print run of 400 copies. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the editor of the publication. Total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from the University of Sonora. -
Volume 19, Number 76 (October-December) 2017
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 19 No.76, October-December 2017, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualification Commission of Publications and Illustrated Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on January 20, 2018 with a print run of 400 copies.The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the editor of the publication. Total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from the University of Sonora.
Volume 19, Number 75 (July-September) 2017
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 19 No.75, July-September 2017, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on October 30, 2017 with a print run of 400 copies.
Volume 19, Number 74 (April-June) 2017
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 19 No.74, April-June 2017, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on July 30, 2017 with a print run of 400 copies.
Volume 19, Number 73 (January-March) 2017
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 19 No.73, January-March 2017, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on April 28, 2017 with a print run of 400 copies.
Volume 18, Number 72 (October-December) 2016
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 18 No.72, October-December 2016, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on January 30, 2017 with a print run of 400 copies.
Volume 18, Number 71 (July-September) 2016
Vértice Universitario Magazine Year 18 No.71, July-September 2016, is a quarterly publication edited by the University of Sonora, through the Division of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Responsible editor: María Eugenia De la Rosa Leal. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use 04-2011-011410054200-102, ISSN: 2007-1388 granted by the National Copyright Institute. Legality of title: 13976. Legality of Content: 11549, both granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. Printed by Imagen Digital del Noroeste, Veracruz no. 19, Col. San Benito, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, this issue was finished printing on October 30, 2016 with a print run of 400 copies.
The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the editor of the publication.
Total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from the University of Sonora.