Analysis of the relationship between the entrepreneurial profile and the impact of the university for students in the economic-administrative area
entrepreneurship, university students, universityAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze university students' perceptions of their entrepreneurial profiles, as well as the influence of the university's entrepreneurship programs and the impact of teaching activities. The study is conducted within a quantitative explanatory framework. A questionnaire was administered electronically via Microsoft Forms to university students enrolled in economic-administrative degree programs at the Universidad de Sonora, Nogales campus. The sample consists of a statistically significant group, representing 53% of active bachelor's program students. The results reveal that most students perceive themselves as average entrepreneurs (52.30%). Additionally, a significant majority believe that the information on institutional entrepreneurship programs is sufficient (71.55%). However, these programs are not significantly related to their self-perception as entrepreneurs. It was also found that the influence of teachers in shaping the entrepreneurial profile is substantial (46.86%) and positively correlates with the students' perception of their entrepreneurial profiles. In conclusion, an area of opportunity was identified at the institutional level to further promote entrepreneurship among university students.
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