Television as a strategy to determine the Consumer Preferences and Behavior Purchase Teens


  • Javier Martín Quintanar Gálvez Universidad de Sonora


Television, Behavior, Consumer Preferences


Currently the companies require have a greater and better participation within in a market increasingly competed, which offers a large number of similar goods and services and where the industries must maximize their offers to stand out among its competitors, looking for as well adapted to the needs and desires of consumers and achieve positioning in the market. This has resulted in a further study of the target market and the development of marketing strategies that contribute to increasing the sale of the products and services, as well as the profitability of the enterprises.
One of the tools of marketing that drives the achievement of those objectives is the promotion, advertising, the instrument in which the entrepreneurs are supported to publicize their products and their brands, and influence consumer preferences, by allocating this heading a significant amount of economic resources.
In recent years, the advertising investment in Mexico has increased considerably, still the television the preferred mode of communication by advertisers because it offers a wide coverage, a large number of people faced with the daily television programs and combined with the commercials inserts in its programming.
To achieve that an advertisement through the television should be attractive and highly remembered, companies must understand which is the best way to reach the consumer, as well as to understand their behavior, let us know your preferences and needs, to not only achieve the realization of appropriate publicity, but also the sales success.
This article is intended to determinate the influence that has the television in the consumer preferences and buying behavior of adolescents, as well as the use given the companies to that information to create their business strategies.


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Author Biography

Javier Martín Quintanar Gálvez, Universidad de Sonora

Contador Público con Maestría en Administración por la Universidad de Sonora. Profesor de Asignatura miembro de la Academia de Finanzas, del Departamento de Contabilidad de la División de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Unidad Regional Centro, de la Universidad de Sonora.



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How to Cite

Quintanar Gálvez, J. M. (2013). Television as a strategy to determine the Consumer Preferences and Behavior Purchase Teens. Revista Vértice Universitario , 15(58), 34–41. Retrieved from
