Organizational commitment and its relationship with job satisfaction in employees of Rioverde, SLP
working satisfaction, organizational commitment, affective commitment, normative commitmentAbstract
The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between the organizational commitment under the Meyer, Allen and Smith tridimensional model (affective, of continuity and normative) and the working satisfaction under three dimensions (supervision, working physical satisfaction and the benefits perceived). At the time, the association with these previous dimensions and all those employ socio-demographic features as gender, marital status, schoolarity, age, present job position, working time and company time. This paper is focused on those services from some company employs from Rioverde S.L.P. A 37 variables instrument was used; 18 for the organizational commitment ones; 12 for the working satisfaction ones: and 7 for those demographic ones. To describe all those variables it was used Medias and Graphic from sectors. Besides them, it was used the bivariate analysis method to identify associations and relationships, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), the Spearman one (rho) all together with the Variance analysis (ANOVA) and the t test for the independent samples. The outcome related to the commitment dimensions and the working satisfaction shows
enough evidences to accept the association. With respect to sociodemographic variables studied, it was determined that there is a relationship with the three dimensions from the commitment, leaving apart the present position, which did not evidence any relationship. As for the continuity commitment, it was just related the marital status and the age. In addition, there was not any relationship between the supervision satisfaction and the sociodemographic variables, which were causes in this research. Then, it
is possible to say, that the evidences were enough and needed to probe the set problem and the hypothesis.
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