Competitiveness and welfare in municipalities of the Sierra Region in Sonora, Mexico


  • Joaquín Bracamontes Nevárez Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas, Profesor-Investigador del Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (CIAD) A.C, México.
  • Mario Camberos Castro Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas, Profesor-Investigador del Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (CIAD) A.C, México.



Population, welfare, competitiveness, Sierra region, Mexican State of Sonora


Globalization impacts production processes and intensifies competitiveness at national, regional and local levels; however, regardless of the scale in the competitiveness analysis, recent literature indicates that the main objective of this should be the creation of welfare. Therefore, in this work the objective is to analysis whether regional competitiveness is reflected in the welfare of the population, for which a competitiveness index is estimated and the welfare lines calculated by the Coneval (2016) are used too. The results show that the Sierra region, with 38 municipalities, recorded a lower competitiveness index than the State of Sonora and observed a higher proportion of people whose income was insufficient to achieve their economic welfare and likewise, the Sierra region had a higher percentage of people who did not exceed the minimum welfare line. This means that in the region the levels of competitiveness and population welfare are below the competitiveness and welfare of the population as a whole in the state of Sonora; however, the most important thing is to show the analysis methodology used.


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How to Cite

Bracamontes Nevárez, J., & Camberos Castro, M. (2019). Competitiveness and welfare in municipalities of the Sierra Region in Sonora, Mexico. Revista Vértice Universitario , 21(84), 2–15.
