Job satisfaction and its relationship with commitment organizational employees in city Rioverde, S.L.P
Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Organizations, miPyMESAbstract
The aim of this research is to identify the relationship between organizational commitment under three dimensions of commitment: affective, normative and continuity, and job satisfaction also in three dimensions supervision, physical working environment and
benefits received, and the association of these sociodemographic characteristics of the employee of Rioverde city. A quantitative study of a conclusive and transversal layout. He joined an instrument total of 37 variables, 18 to assess organizational commitment,
job satisfaction for 12 and 7 for sociodemographic characteristics. Used means and also pie charts bivariate analysis techniques to identify partnerships and relationships, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), Spearman (rho), together with the analysis
of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests independent samples. The results regarding the relationship between the dimensions of commitment and job satisfaction, show evidence to accept the partnership. Regarding the sociodemographic variables studied, show that
there is a relationship with the three dimensions of organizational commitment and the dimensions of satisfaction.
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