Human development and education: an education perspective focused on human development
Education, human development, formative experienceAbstract
This paper attempts to answer the question: What is education for? Other question of interest is: What type of education is needed in order to fulfill individual and social needs? In this respect, the general answer, for human development, is explored. The first part of this article focuses on the role of education in the human development indicators proposed by the UN and the OECD. Moreover, the changes in the factors adopted to measure it are reviewed, the importance of school education in them is pointed out and it concludes by saying that despite its recognized relevance, education, as it is assumed, does not seem to respond to the challenges posed by these demands. The second part, proposes another educational perspective, one based on the experience of the agents, which is present at school and in all social organizations, and that affects the intellectual, behavioral, emotional, and intuitive; whose contents, in addition to the instrumental ones, are those of daily life. Finally, in the third part, the need for this other education regarding the line marked by human development is exemplified.
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