Intent to purchase of tomato puree organic in the socioeconomic sector C-, C and C + from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
intention of consumption, attributes intrinsic, extrinsic, beliefAbstract
This research evaluated the attributes intrinsic, extrinsic, and trusted that influence in the intention of consumption of organic tomato puree in the town of socioeconomic level C - C and C + in Hermosillo, Sonora. This was a research mixed: a qualitative part with in-depth interviews, and the quantitative, through the design of an instrument applied in field, and verification of hypotheses with the methodology of statistical analysis of data from structural equation models. According to the results obtained, the relevant intrinsic attributes they were: color, smell and texture, on the other hand the extrinsic relevant were: brand and the packaging design of the product.
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