Organizational Culture in the 21st Century


  • María Leticia Verdugo Tapia


Organizational culture, Organizational Learning, Innovation


This article aims to present an investigation of the main aspects of organizational culture, starting with the traditional concepts that provide cohesion and are the platform for learning and innovation, which provides us with elements to answer a question that may arise. in relation to the function of organizational culture as a strategic factor of organizational change. Relevant sociocultural and internal aspects are described, and various types of organizational cultures where the characteristics of each of them are highlighted. In conclusion, the importance of comprehensively considering the internal and external factors of the organization to strengthen the innovative organizational culture is presented and a recommendation is presented to foster a disposition toward new learning.


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How to Cite

Verdugo Tapia, M. L. (2024). Organizational Culture in the 21st Century. Revista Vértice Universitario , 11(41). Retrieved from
