México Employment-product elasticity and determinants of employment in the Northern Region, Mexico





economic growth, employment, employment-product elasticity


The effect of economic growth on job creation is studied, for this reason the coefficient of elasticity or intensity of employment-product is calculated and, then, a multiple regression model to identify determinants of employment. The results show that employment grows 0.75% in the region and 0.80% in the country for every 1% increase in gross domestic product (GDP), so apparently the crisis context does not affect regional or national employment; however, the analysis by sub-periods clearly shows an adverse impact on job creation at the regional level, in the states that make up the region and also in the country. According to the econometric model, job creation is explained by economic growth, foreign investment, and public spending, but not by domestic investment


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How to Cite

Bracamontes Nevárez, J., & Camberos Castro, M. (2022). México Employment-product elasticity and determinants of employment in the Northern Region, Mexico. Revista Vértice Universitario , 24(93). https://doi.org/10.36792/rvu.v93i93.44
