Enhancing Emotional Well-being in Unison teachers
Well-being, Emotions, Teacher, UniversityAbstract
The Program "Enhancing Emotional Well-being in Teachers at the University of Sonora (Unison)" consisted of designing and implementing a training program and enhancement of emotional well-being of teachers from the Division of Economic-Administrative Sciences of the University of Sonora in Hermosillo Mexico.
The program was addressed to a group of teachers, began on Monday, December 5 and ended on December 9, 20252, distributed in five sessions of two hours each from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Theoretical training sessions were formed, which were then complemented with various practical strategies, 10 face-to-face hours and 10 of autonomous work were carried out, made up of a series of activities that were sent through the Microsoft Teams platform. The course was held in person in the audiovisual room of the Master's in Administration at the Hermosillo Campus of the University of Sonora. The delivery of the activities and evaluation of the course took place on December 13, 2022.
The general objective of the program consisted of providing theoretical, methodological and emotional tools to the teachers of the University of Sonora, about aspects related to the five dimensions of Well-being, with emphasis on the Emotional and the Professional, to enhance it in themselves. , through the realization of various activities and proposals for practical strategies that contribute to the construction of their life skills and well-being
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