The baking industry, its costs, diagnosis and decisions


  • Alvaro Martínez Duran
  • Olivia Barbuzón Pacheco
  • Clara Molina Verdugo


Companies, Bread maker, Food Sector


Companies today are facing important challenges. At the same time, they are a system in themselves and are immersed in a suprasystem, made up of various factors that affect their functioning and that require a high competitive level. Therefore, it is necessary that they have an effective feedback system that allows them to know their current and potential performance and that they can act accordingly, always seeking to achieve and maintain the aforementioned competitive level.

Companies must consider the above to know the costs they are incurring in their activity and be able to make adequate decisions and thereby achieve the objectives they have as an organization.



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How to Cite

Martínez Duran , A., Barbuzón Pacheco , O., & Molina Verdugo , C. (2024). The baking industry, its costs, diagnosis and decisions. Revista Vértice Universitario , 4(18). Retrieved from
