Identification of attitudes and attributes by people of Sonora in relation to non-industrialized coffee beans
Coffee, consumer motivation, intrinsic, extrinsic and reliance attributesAbstract
The seed of the coffee tree, oval in shape, rounded on one side and with a longitudinal groove on the other, which is about a centimeter long and is greenish-yellow in color; In its many transformations, it is marketed roasted in different degrees and also ground. Its harvesting process can be carried out industrially with the help of specialized machinery, or without the use of machines, which means collecting it by hand, which allows harvesters to select the best coffee beans. The proposed research reveals, and also evaluates, attributes and attitudes that predominate in non-industrial coffee consumption by the inhabitants of Hermosillo, Sonora. It is exploratory research, with a literary review, and later with qualitative parts where in[1]depth interviews and focus groups were carried out, and quantitative with contrasting variables, which allowed giving a content and apparent validity to the hypotheses of the conceptual model. Notable findings on intrinsic attributes such as color, aroma and aroma, and extrinsic attributes such as price, brand, and packaging are noted.
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