Tax Planning in Companies


  • Guillermina Alvarez Ramos
  • Sergio Felix Enríquez


Tax Planning, Companies


The changes in the environment caused by globalization, technological advances, fiscal dynamics and the great competition that exists make companies demand quality in the development of their activities so that it is reflected in the provision of the service they offer, therefore It is important to optimize every resource invested to be able to participate in global competition and not fail.

Professionals in Public Accounting should not remain oblivious to current challenges and must contribute to companies in achieving their objectives, which is why it is necessary for them to know and update themselves in the areas of their competence such as Finance, Accounting, Auditing, Costs and fundamentally in fiscal aspects in order to be able to guide people who require their services to comply with strict adherence to the Law with fiscal obligations and in accordance with our Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. Article 31 section IV, which obliges all Mexicans to contribute to public spending, as well as the Naturalization Law and Income Tax Law in Article 1, obliges foreigners who have a permanent establishment in the Country, or who Your source of wealth is in Mexico when paying the tax.


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Multiagenda Fiscal, (2004). México: ISEF

Manzano, Ernesto (2004). Planeación Fiscal Integral, México

Ramos, José de Jesús (2004). I.S.R. otros regímenes

Hernández, Armando (2004). Extranjeros y convenios para evitar la doble tributación, México

Calvo, Nicolau & Montes, Suarez. (1998). Tratados Internacionales en materia tributaria, México: Themis

Martínez, Guerra (2004) recuperado el 16 de Noviembre de 2004



How to Cite

Alvarez Ramos , G., & Felix Enríquez , S. (2024). Tax Planning in Companies. Revista Vértice Universitario , 5(24). Retrieved from


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